WWII Interview Project Training

Monday, September 14, 2009

And The Beat Goes On...

Believe it or not, it's already Week 5 of the new school year. It's sure flown fast! It's been exciting and fun and I am truly enjoying the time of my life every day at school. The students never fail to impress me with their ideas and innovation. Keep up the good work!

This past weekend I got the chance to fly to Washington, DC and participate in the Tea Party rallies on the West Lawn of the US Capitol Building. Many citizens are concerned with the increased amount of government control and interaction that is taking place in our lives, and I am one of them. I had never taken part in a political rally before, but it was definitely exciting. No one knew how many people were there, but estimates range from 70,000-2,000,000!

Here's a quick snapshot of the week ahead:

US History II - Do you love the 90s? Hate Waco and Ruby Ridge? Students will answer those questions and more in US History II this week.

US History I - Ben Franklin will be making a special appearance for my classes on Tuesday. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions about Franklin and the colonies in the pre-Revolutionary War days.

World Geography - What's an economic hit man? Why are countries so far ahead of others in terms of development? Definitely an exciting week in Geography.

Economics - Supply and Demand Week! Students will get a nice introduction to supply and demand and analyze its impact on the millions of economic decisions consumers make everyday.

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